Walasia Noor Shabazz
4 min readMar 3, 2016

The Elusive “Your Black Muslim Bakery” Fish Sandwich

by Walasia Noor Shabazz

originally published on OaklandLocal.com

Yusuf Bey IV, of the now-defunct Your Black Muslim Bakery, is on trial for the alleged murder of journalist Chauncey Bailey; but what does his innocence until proven guilty have to do with their beloved Fish Sandwiches and Pies?

“This may be the best fish sandwich you ever have.” — Matt C. of San Francisco, CA on Yelp.com. He added a 4-star rating on April 26, 2007

Walasia Noor Shabazz

Walasia Noor Shabazz! A&R MF DOOM/Madlib Mad Villain LP. Edited STRESS, Complex Magazine, The Source.